Thursday, October 25, 2007

55's 56's 65's 44's and so on

I must be beginning to think like a bridge player – everything is number combinations 5521 6511 4423 Now I am trying to commit to memory the bidding sequences of 55, 65 and 44 hands.

44 up the line
55 higher suit first, lower twice.
65 higher suit first, take another bid if partner has given no preferance.
This is not an exact science :-)
56 lower suit first, higher twice watch out you cant reverse without proper values.

2S:2H = 55 in the majors

2D:2H 5hearts, 4 spades

2S:2nt 5hearts, invitational

I need to collect some examples of these hands. You may be wondering why I have not committed these to memory by now? Here's a little know fact about me, remembering anything is not easy. Back in my youth I was in a motorcycle accident and spent 5 days in a coma. It takes me a long time to memorize anything, I do not ‘remember’ things, I have to learn things differently, it is hard to explain. By far the most difficult aspect is counting but I am getting better! Thank heavens my bridge teacher is an incredibly patient person :-)

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