Friday, November 13, 2009


Well it's Friday, my last day at the Regional. I'm sleeping less, thinking more and having an amazing time. I think my game has improved a lot this week, as you'd hope it would after playing morning, noon and night. I am so tired, I'm getting less sleep, 5 hours on average, less last night, my brain wont shut down. Despite being sleep deprived I'm making much smarter calls and plays, my game with Peter is really coming together and I'm SO much more relaxed and confident at the table.

I have a lot I want to blog about, an epiphany on 2/1 auctions, my first attempt at exclusion keycard, lebensohl nightmares, some humorous hands, some spectacular hands, table manners and lots more. What a week, I wish it wouldn't end, I have played so much good bridge and of course, I have been lucky enough to have the best partners.

5:30am; I'll see if I can snatch another hours sleep. One parting comment, it should be noted that so far in this tournament, Waynes best result has been with me. ;-)

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