Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sandwich 1nt

I had a partner introduce me to 'Sandwich 1nt' today.

(1D) P (1H) 1nt = 8-12 points and 44 in the unbid suits.

I perhaps incorrectly, double here to show the other 2 suits.
What is the advantage of this artificial 1nt?
It steals the bid from the opps, what else?
Is it standard? and then the bigger question;
Should I add it and use up brain cells memorizing it, whats important, whats not. :-)


Paul Gipson said...

I think your partner has introduced something that is non-standard in its restrictions but many play the sandwich 1NT.

When I played it I used 1NT to show the other two suits, but with a more distributional hand than the double showed - so with 4-4 hands I'd typically double.

However, like an increasing number of experts, I have reverted to playing the sandwich 1NT as strong. People open and respond so light nowadays that it is thought to be more useful to play 1NT showing 15-18 balanced.

So I'd advise junking it and saving those precious grey cells for something else.


Anonymous said...

I think it's also better to have 1NT as a natural strong bid, slightly stronger than a direct 1NT overcall.

I do play sandwich by a passed hand though, as the strong variety no longer makes sense.


Anonymous said...

I like 1NT as natural too - pick a range (I'm trying 13-15 F2F) but s/wich is OK.