Sunday, September 23, 2007

Isn't everything unusual?

Or so it seems!

Unusual vs. Unusual

1S (2nt) 3D = gf spade raise
1S (2nt) 3C = gf with 5+ hearts

This is what I have agreed to play with Richard. Best discuss the meanings with other partners, it can be reversed. Simple, quite easy to remember and solves the problems I have had creating a forcing bid.

Here are some other sequences I need to be clear on and discuss with partners, thanks R.





Paul Gipson said...

Unusual vs unusual

There are two schemes used, just pick your poison.

(1) Cue bid of the higher suit always shows support, cue bid of the lower suit shows the 4th suit.

(2) Linked suits - spades and diamonds are linked, hearts and clubs.

These schemes are the same after a 1♠ (2NT) auction, so what do you do after 1♥ (2NT) ?

Scheme 1 would be:

1♥ (2NT) 3♣ = gf with 5+spades
1♥ (2NT) 3♦ = gf heart raise

but under scheme 2 they would be

1♥ (2NT) 3♣ = gf heart raise
1♥ (2NT) 3♦ = gf with 5+spades

Both work but better to agree :)

Anonymous said...

Cool, I've wondered about this :)

Will discuss w/RLP, thanks K.

Kathryn said...

Thanks, Im glad you find this useful. Reading this post again I see it is just over 2 years ago that I picked up this Unusual vs. Unusual treatment from Richard. I have played it very occasionaly since then but when it has come to the crunch I have used it successfully, undiscussed with expert partners. With Peter, I have added unsual vs. Michales and over 1N (2N). I will blog about these in a couple of weeks, they are both useful and simple to remember.

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