Thursday, November 26, 2009

6403 distributional 9 count

I have joined an imp league team at the VBC and matched up with a new partner, Richard. We had a “warm up” game last night – and won 67.86%, how nice is that!!

One of our top boards was where I opened 1st seat, vulnerable with a 6403 9 count and Richard made 4 hearts, while the other tables did not reach game. I tend to open these distributional hands, regardless of point count as they have so much trick taking ability but I’m not sure where to draw the line.
The other side to this is the opps generally are not happy with my opening, should we announce that we open distributional hands on <10

edit: I wonder how my openings will change now that I have discovered I need some discipline :) Jan 19 2010

Tomorrow Bill, Jennifer and I head off to Sun Peaks for our first ski race/holiday of the year. It has been a great start to the season with a lot of snow dumped on all the mountains, it has turned to rain here on the local mountains but Im hoping at Sun Peaks it is still snowing. 2 days skiing, 1 day visiting Cody and Vikki in Kamloops and our 10th Wedding Anniversary! Bill, my bridge widow did not see the funny side of it when I suggested we head to San Diego for our anniversary. :)

Next game will be the first team match on Tuesday.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Unusual vs. Unusual Unusual vs. Michaels

Here is another post on Unusual vs. Unusual. I have found this to be an excellent gadget, logical and easy to remember, you can even safely spring it on partners undiscussed :-) I first played 1M (2N*) with Richard, I don't remember the responses we used, they may have been reversed. This is the only "catch" , you must discuss this part with your partner. Is 1M (2N*) 3 gf in hearts or spades? It does not matter which you chose as long as you chose one! Peter & I have chosen to bid ‘up the line’ so clubs is for hearts and diamonds for spades. Keep it simple and easy to remember. We have also extended this to include unusual over Michael’s and, as I discovered the other day, it applies over 1N (2N)

1M (2N*) 3m *clubs and diamonds

3 = limit+ with 's
3 = limit+ with ♠'s

Contrast these with 1♠ (2N) 3♠ or 1♠ (2N) 3 which are competitive only (i.e. to play, showing no extra values)


1m (2m*) 2M *hearts and spades

2 = limit+ in
2♠ = limit+ in

Contrast these with 1 (2) 3 or 1(2) 2 which are competitive only ( play)

1♠(2♠*) 3x *hearts and a minor

3 limit+ in ♠
3/ natural gf

1(2*) 2S/3x *spades and a minor

2♠ limit+ in Hearts
3/ natural gf

If you do not have the values to force to game, or if you have both minors, it is necessary to negative double.

Unusual vs. Unusual also applies over 1N (2N*) *minors, I have included the comments from our bidding notes on this:

Do you play anything over 1N (2N) ? If 2N is showing the minors, 3 could show hearts, 3 could show spades each with invitational values, while 3 or 3♠ would be to play. This is Unusual v Unusual, same responses that would apply if the auction had gone 1♥ -(2N) - .
However, unlike 1M (2N) 3m, 1N (2N) 3m must be M5+ since partner could have as few as 2M

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bouncing back

Life is back to normal :) I played with Peter in the North Shore game today, had a good solid game and finished with 53% and another fraction of a Monster Point to add to my gradually growing number. lol When will I have enough to fly to San Diego?
I'd love to go to the nationals, it won't be this time but I will get there one day.

Wayne headed off this morning on his way to San Diego. I wish I had managed to spend more time with him and tap into his expertise. However, 8am - 11pm days at the regional didn't leave much time for anything else.

I think the most valuable yet simple lesson I took away after playing with Wayne and Peter last week was to slow down and think during the auction and the play. Think, plan, review, replan - easy to say, harder to do. Playing online tends to be done at breakneck speed, if you stop to think you are either bombarded with ????????'s or simply booted from the table.

I did some of this today - it is ok to slow down and think when you have something to think about!

Caffeine; I stopped drinking caffeine drinks (tea, coffee) on Saturday and by Sunday morning I had the worst splitting headache you can imagine. Jennifer was singing with the choir, so on our way to Church I had to stop at a coffee shop for a large Latte, 20mins later I was feeling a lot better. I need to stop drinking the damn stuff but I obviously need to plan a little better, a few quiet days at home with some ibuprofen handy might do the trick. I best check the bottle to make sure the pain killers don't contain caffeine. This is what withdrawing from drugs is like!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

tap declarer

Here is another fun hand from the Regional, board23 Friday evening pairs. I should say, fun board if you weren't trying to play this in 2♣.

If learning this game isn't difficult enough there is also the specific bridge language you need to learn - 'tap' for me, coming from New Zealand, was where we got the water. I suppose I am saying faucet now. Tap dance, tap shoes, now how about 'tap declarer'. Peter has been showing me hands as they come up, where it is right to tap declarer, hopefully this is one of them.

'Tapping' means leading a suit where you know declarer is void, forcing him to ruff, thus shortening his trump and losing control of the hand. This is an extreme case hand in regards to 'tapping' since there is no other play available but I think it still demonstrates the point.

When this hand came up, I passed 2♣ smoothly and, unable to lead partners suit, I led the second obvious choice ♥3 hitting the jackpot. Partner played heart AK and I ruffed 3rd round of ♥, I'm not sure how the play continued but each time I won the lead, I continued with ♦ to make declarer ruff.

Result 2♣-2 for 300

crazy 12 card deal

Here's a crazy hand from the Regional, board18 Friday afternoon pairs.
I'm south here and couldn't believe the bidding until I saw dummy - thanks partner!

West led Heart Ace, East playing the 10 (encouraging), West continued Hearts at trick 2 and I was expecting a ruff and ready to claim -1.
East turned up with a stiff heart and the spade void!
Claim 6 +1660 thank you!

Crash and Burn

Yesterday was my last day at the Regional and today I have crashed to an unbelievable low. My game was not good in the morning and I made some careless mistakes,then later in the afternoon games, my (afternoon) partner started being critical of my play. I think I held it together well and finished the day without going on a tilt or fighting back but today I am feeling extremely bad.

So what happened? I started the week with a win and an amazing high, for the rest of the week I was playing 3 games a day with alternating highs and lows.
I was not sleeping, eating or exercising properly. I started to let little things get to me, such as when a player I admired from the club made a crack about my win on Monday, I let that eat away at me. I take things very personally and I hate letting my partners down by making careless mistakes. Nevertheless, Peter doesn’t react to my mistakes and I’m sure he isn’t expecting me to play like a pro so its mostly all the crap I’m piling on myself. I’m going to make mistakes, I guess at times even the best do. Keep calm and focused!

Today I am giving up caffeine :)

I have a lot of good and interesting things I want to blog about so when I've picked myself up, I'll do that. Its funny, despite this drama I would still rather be out there today, playing, than anything else.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Well it's Friday, my last day at the Regional. I'm sleeping less, thinking more and having an amazing time. I think my game has improved a lot this week, as you'd hope it would after playing morning, noon and night. I am so tired, I'm getting less sleep, 5 hours on average, less last night, my brain wont shut down. Despite being sleep deprived I'm making much smarter calls and plays, my game with Peter is really coming together and I'm SO much more relaxed and confident at the table.

I have a lot I want to blog about, an epiphany on 2/1 auctions, my first attempt at exclusion keycard, lebensohl nightmares, some humorous hands, some spectacular hands, table manners and lots more. What a week, I wish it wouldn't end, I have played so much good bridge and of course, I have been lucky enough to have the best partners.

5:30am; I'll see if I can snatch another hours sleep. One parting comment, it should be noted that so far in this tournament, Waynes best result has been with me. ;-)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Vancouver Regional Monday Charity Pairs winners:

We won!!! 65%
Thanks Wayne!

Now I need to sleep, I have another 4 days of this.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

counting down...

to my first Regional! I'm so excited, unfortunately my family don't share my enthusiasm as I have been out playing a lot of bridge lately. Fortunately, after the regional it will all come to a sudden stop, we'll be into the Ski season, Peter will be at the San Diego NABC and the closest I'll get to the game is having my nose in "Watsons, Play of the Hand." Well, perhaps the occasional day time game :)

Wayne is here from NZ and will stay with us for the duration of the regional before heading off to San Diego for the nationals. This is exciting too! I will be playing 4sessions with him in the regional :) Lucky me, the only trouble is my nerves when I'm playing with "A" players, I play much better with "C" players, my mistakes don't bother me so much. The same happens when I'm playing with Peter - I hold onto my mistakes and let them distract me. I will just have to forget who it is I'm playing with and try to have fun.
This is a big deal for me, its like playing with Zia. Whoooop!

I also have 5 sessions with Peter so I will, hopefully, be playing some great bridge next week. Peter has been working tirelessly with me on my signaling, counting, planning, card play - everything that I have neglected. Its such an eye opener having a regular partner - signaling is something I never did other than `high`I like it, `low`I don't, now I dont know how I played without it.
I still can`t believe I have such great partner and mentor.

In the recent sectional I played with a lovely lady, Jacquie from Osoyoos, and people think New Zealand place names are difficult! We will play 4 sessions together and I'm looking forward to playing again, we had some good games and a lot of fun at the sectional.

That's all for now, if I survive the regional I will of course, post the highs and lows! I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew by scheduling 3 games a day for 4 days, I hope I have the stamina for it.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


A new top score! 61%
I remember, not too long ago, saying I would be happy to get 50%. If this is any measurement of improvement I guess I'm doing okay. The improvement is thanks to Peter,and I`ve been working hard and fooling around on BBO less.