Sunday, October 28, 2007


2S:4N is Quantitative

I dont understand why this is Quantitative?.

1N:3S (slam try)
4x:4N is RKCB

1N:4H (texas)
4S:4N is RKCB

Thursday, October 25, 2007

55's 56's 65's 44's and so on

I must be beginning to think like a bridge player – everything is number combinations 5521 6511 4423 Now I am trying to commit to memory the bidding sequences of 55, 65 and 44 hands.

44 up the line
55 higher suit first, lower twice.
65 higher suit first, take another bid if partner has given no preferance.
This is not an exact science :-)
56 lower suit first, higher twice watch out you cant reverse without proper values.

2S:2H = 55 in the majors

2D:2H 5hearts, 4 spades

2S:2nt 5hearts, invitational

I need to collect some examples of these hands. You may be wondering why I have not committed these to memory by now? Here's a little know fact about me, remembering anything is not easy. Back in my youth I was in a motorcycle accident and spent 5 days in a coma. It takes me a long time to memorize anything, I do not ‘remember’ things, I have to learn things differently, it is hard to explain. By far the most difficult aspect is counting but I am getting better! Thank heavens my bridge teacher is an incredibly patient person :-)

Monday, October 15, 2007

VBC 299er

I played with a new partner in the VBC 299er sectional this weekend. We played rather well in the first session and then bombed out in the next 2. We just weren’t on the same wave length it seems. (Wavelength is the name of my dads yacht in NZ)
We have only played twice before so need some more practice and some basic agreements. Despite the results, I had a very nice weekend, lots of fun with a relaxed and kind partner. I love playing with someone who is willing and able to discuss the hands afterwards.

This being a 299er I would imagine it was low key as opposed to open tournaments. TDs calls were frequent for leads out of turn (OLOOTs in TD language) what I noticed most was the amount of UI being passed. At one stage my partner who had been a very cautious bidder even said "Im being aggressive here" before making her bid. The opps did not blink and I tried to ignore the information. We had a good laugh about it after the hand.

The players and TD were nice, the food was great, the price was right - $5 a session, overall a great weekend. I was exhausted afterwards.

Next up in my TD exam on Wednesday, though I may have to postpone it to next week. I’m trying to learn all about movements, LOOT’s, insufficient bids etc – none of which occur online of course.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Overuse of RKC

My partner opened 1nt and after a super accept I pushed onto slam holding:


4nt is the culprit here. I've shown mild slam interest and Club control now leave the rest to partner. As for my hand the Jx's are of dubious value, I simply dont have a hand suitable to
push on to slam. I can pass!

"I have often posted in these fora against the overuse of keycard, and this is another example of why I ride this hobbyhorse. If players learned more subtle ways of probing for slam, ways that involve trusting partner to work out what is going on, we'd reach more good slams and stay out of more bad ones. Bid 4♣ and then 4♥ and let partner decide whether, in context, his hand warrants another call. You and partner may get these wrong initially, but once you both learn to trust each other, your slam bidding will move to a higher level." (MikeH)

If Mike doesnt write a book soon I'll put a one together of quotable quotes :-)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

count count count count

I play IMP on BBO and when I go to the club I have to play MP.
Why does "everyone" play IMP online and MP offline?

Now that I have started playing at the club I'm finding undertricks are very expensive in MP so I can only assume the reverse is true for overtricks. ;-)

Its not good enough to count honors and trumps – I have to keep track of spots now as well.

Practice practice practice

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I hate this game

I want to give up. I’m just not smart enough to play this game, I cant think fast enough to work out all these combinations and nuances in the bidding, I can’t possibly remember it all let alone play the hands.

Im frustrated with my lack of progress, lack of a partner who wants to work with me and frustrated by the overall complexity of this damn game.

Of course I won’t give up but I’d sure like to right now.