Thursday, June 21, 2007

Forcing minor raise

Partner opens 1D and I hold xx,AJx,KQTxx,KJT - what do you bid?

I don't have any gadgets to handle these hands. I have posted the question on BBO forums
and as expected, have received many different suggestions. Everything from dont bother learning how to bid these hands, inverted minors, criss cross, and more.

So this is work in progress, to be updated.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Limit raise or GF?

Another bad bid, made without first pausing for thought.

Sounds easy? I have 10+ points and 5 hearts, my partner is happy to play 4H

I held:


and decided I was too good for a limit raise and not good enough for a game force.
Apparently, there is no such hand . A limit raise is 9-(bad)12 3or4 card support and a gf is 12points 4card support. Makes sense!

So this is a clear limit raise 3S would have been perfect or if I think this is worth more, 2nt GF raise. I have been told many times not to make a 2level M raise without 5cards, I have the choice of a limit raise or a GF, no need to create my own bid!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Support Doubles

Support Doubles, devised by Eric Rodwell allows the opener to show exactly 3card support for responders (partners) new suit.
Up until now, I did not use support doubles and so I have developed the habit of often supporting partner with 3. In the auction 1C(P)1S(2D) 2S I may only have 3 spades.

Now, by adding support doubles I can double to show 3 card support, a simple raise will show exactly 4 cards, 3S weak, 3D a cue raise and so on.

1C (P) 1S (2D) X = exactly 3 card support
1C (P) 1S (2D) 2S =exactly 4 card support
1C (P) 1S (2D) 3S = spade support, weak, competitive
1C (P) 1S (2D) 3D = limit raise or better

Where do I start?

Why a blog? Good question, I don’t have a lot of spare time to sit and compose material to put in a blog so this could end before it gets off the ground. However, I do need a place where I can keep notes and questions on my bridge games. Alas, the good old note book does not work as efficiently as I would like. So here it is, my first BLOG. An attempt to track my learning and progression in this challenging, fun, frustrating game.
I love it, I hate it and I’m hooked.
I want to start with a new convention my wonderful 86year old, live!, partner suggested I add:
Support Doubles.
I will also add more information about me and how I have arrived where I am in this game.